Well, it's happened Folks! At long last the promised BLOG! As this magnificent year comes to a close I am reminded of a few things:
1. There is nothing more thrilling than a yarn sale! Particularly the one going on right now at WEBS in Northampton MA. If you are in the Area, you should really go, beautiful beautiful materials! (I've been twice already!)
2. Time passes so quickly that I often feel like I miss pieces of my own life. I think this is a common phenomena, something that I've started to do in order to fix it is simply journaling and drawing. My friend and teacher Cayewah focuses much of her course work on process books-- which document the entire thought/design/manifestation process of each project. it is healthy to do the same with our lives, day to day.
3. There are so many ways to feel in a single day. All of them are alright. As I am preparing to make that long southward treck, I am sometimes overwhelmed by all the different ways that make up the day. And yet, the biggest feeling is joy/thankfulness for the ever renewed chance to keep going.
Hooray Hooray. Thank you to everyone who came to or otherwise participated in the December 15th Trunk Show! it was such a grand day, so many people getting the message.
If you are in town for New Years Eve, drop me an email and maybe we can meet up at some of the FAB events.