Sunday, November 30, 2008

a couple of shows!

back in MA, things are looking pretty great. good friends + good work to be done. my Mom and I and doing a series on shows!

DECEMBER 6+7th [9:30am -4:30pm] big brother big sisiter craftsfair at the Northampton High GYM!! MARSHA will be selling work (and it is all just BEAUTIFUL!!) at booth # 59

DECEMBER 7th [9am- 1:30 pm] group home show at the Baskin/Buttenwieser house!
46 Franklin Street Northampton. here is the official flyer should be pretty neat!

AND {this will be truly awesome!} DECEMBER 13th [11am-4pm] the TRUNKSHOW / HOLIDAY SALE 2008! at he home of our most beloved WICKS! 59 Massasoit Street NORTHAMPTON. post cards are on the way to many of you (freshly and wonderfully printed by PARADISE COPIES!)
I've finally started working......................... there WILL actually be work at these shows!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

oh yeah, did i mention how much i love pattern?

**** crazy amounts!

Final Days In SAVANNAH 2008

***** yeah, this pretty much sums it up...

hey gang---

what a time. after everything was said and done --- and that includes school, knitting classes, a fabulous opening for Anna Keck's thesis show, $70 of bank fees cleared by the wonderful Jessica Littlejohn and FOUR hours at the laundromat--- all we could manage to do with ourselves was go out to Oatland Isalnd and walk around the nature center -- the animals were awesome..... this was followed by pulled pork sandwiches at ANGEL's BBQ, a viewing of Lars and the REAL GIRL and just a little bit of PBR.

I left Savannah the next morning, drove to Richmond (really good drive, 95 has just been paved-- the Carolinas were a breeze!) and stayed over with my dear friend Joellen. while we were there, Riva got to try on this awesome piggy costume!

not sure she liked it as much as we did! that's BUDDY, Joellen's dog in the background... he really isn't as scary as he looks here!
ANYWAYS, back in Northampton NOW.
busteling around. more on that tomorrow. thanksgiving day!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

well well WELL

I write to you again after MUCH MUCH ADO! I find myself here in Savannah with 2 weeks left of school. how nuts it has been.
but thankfully:

1. Barack OBAMA has been elected president and as my darling and oldest friend Meg said to me on election night " we can all rest easy tonight"

2. kate, brooke, laura the pups + i are happily settled into our new apartement on waldburg street and the mania of the surprise move has pretty much passed us by.

3. bubbie is a wonderful wonderful animal.... woof woof woof

4. I'm creating a totally new kind of work! much much inspired by embellished surfaces class and the divinely inspired Pamela Wiley. pictures soon, i promise. [not that you have any real reason to trust me about posting soon anymore!!!!!! but this is a NEW LEAF!]

5. loop it up SAVANNAH is off to a great start. we started classes for 5-10 year olds at the YMCA last week and I am absolutely in LOVE with them. and knitting.
****be involved!

6. just 2 weeks left of school!

7. there is cayewah. there is despina. there is pam. there is amy. there are many many dear dear people in this world.

8. there is hope and there has been progress. it's very good to be here.