Saturday, November 28, 2009

...and the persuit of happiness

This incredibly beautiful op-ed piece by Maria Kalman was recently in the NYT.

certainly worth a look!

we are making making making here. almost time to hit the road!

Here is the set up of the wonderful thanksgiving block party that we went to!
the 1200 block of e. 49th street was blocked off and the table was made up in the middle of it all!

can I please move to your neighborhood?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Taylor KNITS!

My Sweet little neighbor Taylor came over tonight, for spaghetti, Michael Jackson and, as it turns out, KNITTING!

(every day of your life, for as long as you live............)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

another day

Pam and I have this on going discussion about how when your dog wakes up in the morning their mind is filled with nothing except, "oh my... another day...." -- none of the worries or other complicated thoughts that creep into our heads shockingly soon after awakening. Somehow, in these days off, I am trying to be like that too.

so here is what happened in this day (with out any particular effort, plan)

and tomorrow will be another one.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

don't want to think about what i don't have. just wanna worry bout what i got...

look at this cute thing that Jill found on!

I'm listening to the nields, slowly resurfacing from finals week + the compiled madness of it all.

Today is to be the beginning of a (hopefully productive) pretty exciting work week, before Riva and I head to MA. Pamy is flying back to the USA from France right now, so little Wiley will be heading back to the isalnd soon. I will be missing him! But it is going to be incredibly good to see Pamela! Lexi got back yesterday too!

Today, after we go out for a nice long walk will be a YMCA work day. We are planning to bring LOOP to two more locations in January... I need to start that process. Today, I'm planning to swing by the Gadsen Elementary School and the Hodge Memorial Daycare center. Both are near the YMCA and would be great places to build a materials center and give classes! (fingers crossed, about all that...)

Also, these next few days are for the making of as much as possible. We are having TWO holiday shows.

The first is DECEMBER 5 at Sarah and Hosie's
The second is DECEMBER 13 at the WICKS!

Every day is for the making of as much as possible, but especially the next 5.

one of the beautiful Gee's Bend Quilters said, "take what you have and make what you want."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

running around, seeing things

We were really lucky to see a Nick Cave performance, right here in Savannah!
Here's to copious making!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to Make A Very Good Nest

an instructional video by Topo Wiley

go to :

or search Fibersforce videos on youtube!
(you won't be sorry!)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Uncle David comes to the Y

After much persuading from Cayewah and me, our good friend David Frank came over to the Y today and did a little spinning with the kiddos!

radical cuteness ensued!

I'm working, a little more every day of "Lovingkindness: a cookbook"
tomorrow equals pocket pies!

pictures to follow.

.... there is a road that meets the road that goes to my house.... (the decemberists... july july july)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

here we go: another week

And take it slowly
And easily
And lovely

Friday, November 6, 2009

Good Things: Right Now!

I feel like I have long talked and thought about the concept of "good things ahead". It is a reassuring way to get ourselves to carry on, and feel okay about it.
This past week has been a pile of those good things coming to actually pass.

Maybe I already told you, but Loop It Up Savannah got its grant! This makes it possible to go on and grow and do good work in more parts of Savannah, as well as continue what is already happening!

In the light of suddenly being funded, I decided to apply to the American Craft Council School to Market Program to do an artist book about LOOP, and everything that has happened to us in the last year. It will be a coloboration with all of the kids and families and community members.... should be very wonderful. It will include curriculum and all that good stuff.

I am overwhelmed and happy because I feel like this projet is the key, and I'm about to embark on something that I have always wanted to do!

ALSO: of import my friend Audrey just (today!) opened a beautiful little store called "The French Knot" - it is a "stitch boutique!" how completely wonderful. everything is set up by COLOR. I am in LOVE and I know that Pamela and Lexi will be too when they get back here and see it!

well, off to write some -- ooh la la-- financial and expansion plans.....