Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Well, here we are....2008. goodness. New Years Eve was a rocking time in Northampton. I got to spend the entire day running around with dear dear friends and seeing marvelous performances. My sister, Bean, performed in a beautiful dance piece at the Academy of Music and it was so good to finally see her perform, as I usually am in Sav. during her shows. Other greatness included seeing our beloved Nerissa and Katryna Nields at the UU and then dancing the night (year!) away with the Black Rebels. What could be better?

Needless to say, I'm a bit pooped today. My Mom actually referred to me as "a raccoon"-- after seeing those dark circles! And today has been spent organizing and packing up the studio here in Florence. I piled everything up on my desk, for better or worse, to be sorted and packed. It took all day and I think that this meticulous packing up is a way of adjusting to the idea of moving along..... anyway, I'm finally packed!
Tomorrow morning, Meg and I are heading south with a full Subaru and hopefully a little more pep than today. I will send you some sunshine, as soon as we get there.
Love to you all. Happy Happy New Year. May it be an incredibly good one.


Marsha Lieberman said...

Yay Cupcake!

Marsha Lieberman said...

you left only one bright pink ball of yarn behind and one white button-mgl

Sarah Buttenwieser said...

It was a good first night!

EmilyMcD said...

YEAH SCAD Girl! I love th blog and will look forward to reading more soon! Emily (AKA Mrs McDowell, Ms Beales)