Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ed Sullivan. Ed Sullivan. We're gonna be on Ed Sullivan!

well, actually FOX news!! It's all happening this Friday at 7:15 am! Members of the Fibers departement (including yours truly) will be interviewed by a reporter from Fox about our work, SCAD fibers and the Market Bazaar!!! I really didn't think that national TV was going to be part of the deal, but things are happening every day! I'm getting really excited about the Bazaar, it's this Saturday 8am-2pm and is going to be a great community event. I'm really proud that we get to be a part of it. This is the first time that something like this has been done here in town. I just met with Jake and Miriam Hodesh-- a young couple who just moved her from Boston-- who are running the whole thing. If the Bazaar is a success, they would like to do it once a month. Very cool. I'm bussily getting all my prayerflags folded and my notecards sorted....... I accidentally ordered the WRONG size baggies from Very annoying, but at least it is causing me to get a little creative with the packaging... lucky customers.

Aside from all that, things are going great. We decided to stay in our house, which is wonderful and a big relief. The idea od moving AGAIN and getting all setteled in AGAIN was not one I was too excited about. This is the FIFTH week of school, and therefore we're half way done already. There is much much to be done in the next month though.

Right now I'm in the middle of my tropical resort meets 1960s mod meets molly patterns. here is the one that is done:

In 3d, we're doing a looping unit and I'm exploring some NEW KNITTING TECNIQUES!! Including FINALLY learning to read a pattern, and making a baby sweater. (sneak peak? Sweaters by Betty+Isabel???) hmmm.

Alright, well I really need to go off and print some lables. On top of it all, it is SPRING, totally glorious weather. Hooray Hooray.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Jeremy (my CAD teacher) just showed us this website. really cool, go check it out: that is actually the link to this specific fabric, but you can get to the general menu from there too.

so here we go into week four of the quarter. there is such a lot going on, I'm working really hard to keep on top of it all--- or at least a good chunk of it, and not get too lost in the inevitable build up!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

southern weekend

well, this weekend is nice and easy going. savannah looks like a garden. everyone is out + about. I just walked into town and am doing some pre-work for new designs.... I am supposed to be coming up with 4 patterns which blend the styles of 1960's mod and tropical resort. this should be interesting. good lord.

I found this flower on the walk over here. I would really like to learn more about plants. also birds. and rocks. someday someday.

here is a list of what's ahead:

April 26 8am-2pm
the market place bizarre: I will have a booth with NEW STUFF in the old sears parking lot, which is on the corner of bull and henry. come by as part of the sidewalk arts festival!

May 17 11am-4pm
we're doing another trunk show. Brooke and I just started planning last night.
406 east 35th street. if you would like to show your work, let me know. we will be printing posters in the next week or two. I would like to include as many artists as possible. (912-660-2812---> give a call!)

***There will be a summer show! probably late july. probably at my parent's house 44 N.farms rd. Florence. updates to follow.


*** The website will be launched. I promise. there is no reason not to do it. expect it up in a few weeks. (let's say two and then I'll hustle and get it done.)

much love.

Monday, April 7, 2008


right after I posted last week's blog, I got a call from Laura (one of my room mates). She was parked on the very top story of a parking garage and her car wouldn't start. I drove up there (abandoning my fears of such garages!) and we some how managed to jump start her car. Photo documentation of such an event is essential. below are our cars. above is a nice birds eye view shot of York Street.
since then, life has been significantly calmer. I'm getting into the new groove and it is fabulous. The weekends are really weekends, for the first (and probably only!) time ever. Pretty sweet. I'm loving CAD class. I think I might want to go into surface design after all! here is the repeat unit of my first pattern:
it's not completely colored yet........ But this little piece gets repeated as many times as needed to fill a space. I'll be sure to show you a bigger chunk later on.

I'm off to babysit Lyla. greatest baby of all time. xox

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The New Deal

This past week has been full, to say the very least. But, I am now starting to settle into the new schedule and it is going really well. Last week, I decided to take only two classes and allow myself the time and mindspace to get fully involved in them. Today is the first time I'm really feeling the effects of this new deal.... pretty spectacular. I am taking a CAD (computer Aided Design) class and a 3d fibers class. CAD has been going surprisingly well so far, the basic computer class I took a few quarters ago worked wonders!! Right now we're working on our first pattern, the only guideline is that the motifs be based on architecture in Savannah. The term Architecture is to be applied loosely. I've been thinking about it as an exploration of structure, how things are made, how they collect and cover and tangle together-- both in the physical world and in our minds, as concepts and ideas which exist at the same time.
3d fibers includes much of the same thoughts. The pictures above are things that I've made for that class so far.
The first is the cover to a process book that I made last Thursday night for the class. I find that by making everything by myself, I feel more comfortable and able to work honestly and without holding anything back. I am at this place where I don't want to deny or hide anything anymore and it is sometimes really hard to be that open and create that honestly about new ways that I feel and aspects of the everyday that I'm just now starting to figure out.
The second picture is the top of a magic wand that I made as a sample of tangling. Brooke and I went out to the Bonneventure Cemetery last Sunday, it is the largest and oldest cemetery in Savannah and certainly the largest that I've seen. A section of the Wilmington River runs past it. We spent a long time climbing around the rocks on the bank and collecting things. I found this wad of fishing line, that was so tangles up around a rock that I had to cut it off. When we got home I stuck a stalky weed and it's root thru the tangle and tied on this bottle cap that Adam folded in half with his hands one night when we were sitting on my front porch. This is a piece about what happens out of nature, when there is no intervention or particular effort exerted to cause one effect or another. String gets all tangled up (so do people.) I'm feeling really thankful that I have time to think these days, it's an awful big help.
Alrighty-o. much love.